Travel Smart, Stay Informed: Precautionary Tips for Coronavirus

While research around the virus is still ongoing, this is an important opportunity to remind travellers to be smart and stay informed. Below you’ll find tips for managing your business travel plans in the current environment.

1. Take preventive care

Regardless of when or where you travel, taking preventive measures is always the most effective way to ensure you stay healthy on the road. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after coming into contact with others as well as before and after touching public surfaces. This is especially important in concentrated areas with high populations, such as airports, cruises and other transportation hubs. When using hand sanitizers, look for products with at least 60 percent alcohol content. Minimize touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible.

2. Keep in mind COVID-19 is not airborne

Coronavirus cannot be transmitted by proximity or environment alone. Medical professionals have confirmed the virus is transmitted by droplets, sometimes on surfaces, but most commonly by person-to-person contact such as coughing or sneezing. When travelling, make a conscious choice not to engage in unnecessary physical contact—remember it’s OK to politely decline introductory handshakes.

3. Clean your devices and work areas

From smartphones and tablets to laptops and headphones, our devices often accompany us when we travel. Use cleaning products with at least 70 percent alcohol to disinfect your phone and any devices you carry around with you on a regular basis. Don’t forget to wipe down your work and dining areas that may have been in contact with other people other than yourself.

4. Stay connected to keep calm

Smart and safe travel includes a clear line of communication with both your internal and external travel partners. Check to make sure you have the latest info from your company regarding travel policies and priorities—your TMC can assist with any adjustments needed. For health-related information, don’t forget to consult trusted resources such as the Government of Canada's Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). 
