The COVID-19 pandemic continues to shift once long-ingrained mindsets around corporate travel at record pace, from how businesses talk about risk management and safety to the ways travel managers... Continue reading
With a COVID-19 vaccine not expected until 2021 and the list of reopening countries continuing to grow, the inevitably of resuming travel during a still-fluctuating pandemic is slowly becoming a... Continue reading
Ready to get back to business travel? It’s the question most top of mind for many travel managers, corporate leadership teams, and Travel Management Companies (TMCs)—all of whom are trying to map out... Continue reading
As event planners and meetings management companies construct an ever-evolving roadmap for safely resuming in-person meetings and events, the demand for virtual events has skyrocketed. One source... Continue reading
Domestically and abroad, the expert advice for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 is now a part of daily life. Guidelines like frequently washing your hands, staying six feet apart, and wearing a mask... Continue reading
Note: This article was originally published on LinkedIn by Joel Ostrov, President of Direct Travel’s Canada’s East Region. We’ve republished these thoughts below as part of Direct Travel’s ‘Whatever... Continue reading
For travellers returning to the road amidst the recovery stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, new and changing guidelines have created a distinctly different business travel experience. While some of... Continue reading
Note: This article was originally published on LinkedIn by Ronda Shipley, Direct Travel’s EVP of Business Development & Strategies. We’ve republished these thoughts below as part of Direct Travel’s... Continue reading