The COVID-19 pandemic has been characterized by an understandably frustrating series of stops, starts, and surges. Particularly for business travel, the challenge of safely returning to the road... Continue reading

Today’s travellers have access to information like never before, but it’s not always the right information for the moment they’re facing. As businesses have witnessed with the COVID-19 pandemic,... Continue reading

It’s been one year since COVID-19 restrictions first pumped the brakes on the booming world of business travel and the industry now has real reason for optimism: COVID-19 case counts have fallen,... Continue reading

Remote work may be part of your business recovery plan for the immediate future, but how will it impact your employees in the long run? Despite its apparent benefits of increasing safety and... Continue reading

The pandemic has forced even the most nimble of businesses to rethink long-established policies and shift priorities at a moment’s notice. In fact, an outstanding 96 percent of employees surveyed by... Continue reading

Growth is a goal for every company, no matter the business size or industry sector. Yet for many organizations in 2020, plans for growth were temporarily paused and replaced with new priorities of... Continue reading

“Revenues for nearly half of small and mid-market businesses have declined by up to 25 percent in the aftermath of 2020” -Wall Street Journal/Vistage Report Continue reading

It’s a new road ahead for corporate travel in 2021. Thanks in part to the global distribution of vaccines, continued rollout of rapid testing, and the introduction of digital health passports. many... Continue reading