Since the onset of COVID, most corporate travel programs have focused on issues like traveller safety, navigating international restrictions, and conducting business virtually. Post-pandemic,... Continue reading

As companies update and overhaul their travel programs in a post-pandemic environment, safety concerns linger, and new travel implications have emerged. Complicating this shift is the wide array of... Continue reading

Are you prepared for the new hotel sourcing environment? Corporate travel within North America has already exceeded 2019 revenues and continues to rebound with vigor. A recent hotel data report by... Continue reading

A post-pandemic shift is occurring within corporate America: The office setting has been redefined as employees and companies adapt to new priorities and demands. Continue reading

The return of corporate travel has brought about critical implications for businesses related to traveller experience, risk management, and program improvements. Most recently, rising costs and... Continue reading

A progressive and more conscious world outlook has brought about a major movement towards “going green.” Both businesses and the travel industry alike have become more educated about the effects of... Continue reading

Travel has increased substantially in 2022 as employees return to the road and airways. Business travel is bouncing back to pre-pandemic levels, which has companies re-evaluating the impact of... Continue reading

After an initial stall to travel recovery the first quarter of the year, growing traveller confidence and changes to COVID-19 restrictions have reshaped the travel forecast ahead. As the world... Continue reading

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